About Us

Welcome! My name is Stephanie Graham and I am the owner of Graham Acre Flowers. My husband Brock, daughter Sutton and I live just outside of Eskridge Kansas where we grow fresh cut flowers. Brock helps with the flowers when he can but his main priority is using the rest of our property for cut hay production. We are a small team but we strive to always have quality product and happy customers!

How it All Started

We moved to our 40 acre property in 2016. There was nothing planted here except a huge half dead cottonwood tree right behind the house. We had a huge blank canvas so what started out as a house plant collection soon moved outdoors and became a small backyard vegetable garden. After a couple years of just growing vegetables, I decided I wanted something prettier to look at, so I tilled up a huge front flower bed and quickly filled it up with flowering perennials.

Like all gardeners I soon felt like I needed more room for more plants! I had been toying with growing cut flowers for a couple years so in 2021 I decided it was finally time.

I talked Brock into plowing up a cut flower patch for me and I went crazy ordering seeds. The first couple of months were difficult because we had so much rainfall that spring. Most of my seedlings drowned. Later in the season however, I was able to plant a patch of zinnias, cosmos, and sunflowers. I then decided to take my home grown flowers to our local farmers market and I was blown away by how many people came that day! It was so exciting when people actually showed up to purchase my flowers to take into their homes! Now the rest is history. Our cut flower production is growing even bigger this year and hopefully will only continue to grow in the following years.

I can’t wait to share this journey with you all. I hope you follow me on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with what happens along the way.